tel. 03-56-14-770;


Opekarna 1, 1420 Trbovlje

Sladkorna bolezen je najpogostejša presnovna bolezen. Pri obravnavi sladkornih bolnikov stremimo k celovitemu pristopu, saj sladkorno bolezen zelo pogosto spremljajo tudi visok krvni tlak, zvišane krvne maščobe in prekomerna telesna teža. Sestavili smo tim strokovnjakov (specialisti internisti diabetologi, diplomirana medicinska sestra – edukator in višja sestra), ki skrbi tako za vzgojo kot za zdravljenje sladkornih bolnikov s poudarkom na spodbujanju zdravega življenjskega sloga. Pri zdravljenju sladkornih bolnikov upoštevamo najnovejše smernice in priporočila slovenskih in mednarodnih diabetoloških združenj.

Health Clinic

Currently, we have onboard three full-time board-certified pediatricians along with five part-time Nurse Practitioners (FNP), three full-time medical assistants (MA’s) and four front desk staff. We have an emergency pediatric ward as well to ensure that the young ones get medical attention and care even at wee hours.


Some of the service offered by the clinic includes:

  • General checkup and preventive care
  • Immunizations, and care and support for children with special health care
  • Prior appointment is encouraged
  • If deemed necessary, our in-house

Dr. Pollar Troy

1st Floor
Pediatrics Ward: Room 101
Extremely proud to have immediate assistance.

Your Questions

Some of the service offered by the clinic includes general checkup and preventive care, immunizations, and care and support for children with special health care needs. Prior appointment is encouraged to minimize the wait time and minimize inconvenience for the children. If deemed necessary, our in-house makes arrangements to have a parent nearby making the child feel as comfortable as possible.
Taking care of a sick child can be a frightening experience, we are extremely proud to have immediate assistance and advice line available to ensure a high level of care as well as support.
Built on a foundation of caring, expert knowledge and accessibility, we have the right size to give proper attention to both parents and children which are something that they need as well as deserve.